
华为平板MatePad Pro 5G:高性能5G智慧平板,重构创造力 ...:2021-6-3 · 华为5G高端旗舰平板HUAWEI MatePad Pro 5G正式登陆中国市场,作为一台超高性能的5G智慧平板,为消费者带来智慧轻办公体验。HUAWEI MatePad Pro 5G为旗舰而立,因技术创新而生,将5G联接与 …


Community Call to Action Come and join us to make a better environment. We are looking for problem-solvers and great ideas for making our world a better place. Design a solution and win a great prize. Learn about Making and what you can use to solve problems around you. With daily sessions over two weeks,…


It’s been a terrific fortnight, leaning about Arduinos and micro:bits and how to get inspiration and plan your ideas, and now the time has come to submit your ideas on how to use the Internet of Things to solve the challenges faced by our evironment. Submit your entry, simply email your design, drawing, code, plans…


Many thanks again to everyone who attended Oli Howson’s fascinating second Arduino Adventure today, the sixth session in our SERAS Environment Making Challenge. It was our final technical session, which makes us all a bit sad, but at least we’ve got everybody’s wonderful Challenge ideas to look forward to. As ever, don’t worry if you…


Thanks so much everyone for tuning in today to David Pride’s brilliant Miocro:bit masterclass – and for completing the first week of our Environment Making Challenge! I know that we at SERAS learned a huge amount in the session today – and I expect that everybody else did too. David really helped reminding us that…


只剩下门缝的VPN何去何从 - 手机新蓝网:2021-2-7 · 热门推荐 让20元行政处罚不再磨叽!宁波城管要推广这件事 2021-06-16 12:17 嘉兴端午民俗文化节细节公布 今年将新增“云端约会” 2021-06-16 12:17 为“网红主播”发上岗证!


手机流量不够用,到底去哪儿了?(附节约流量8大窍门 ...:2021-6-30 · 导读 “周六去了趟营业厅,发现十个有九个在问:流量去哪儿了?”知名通信专家刘启诚在朋友圈感叹道。这只是个缩影。 工信部数据显示,今年4月份户均移动互联网接入流量达3.41GB,同比增 …


Thanks again to everyone for coming along to Tanya Fish’s brilliant interactive webinar on how toprepare for a Make, the second session in our SERAS Environment Making Challenge. It was areally good turnout, with nearly 50 people attending again, so thanks and well done! We all learned so much about the various boards you can…


微软在中国面临反垄断调查_科技大事件_百度新闻出品 ...:来历不明的App直接面向安卓手机和平板用户开放下载,导致用户置身于个人账户资料泄露和设备控于他人之手的风险之中,这其中包括安卓2.1至4.3 ...


SERAS is working with Research England’s Pitch-In project to identify and address skills gaps around the Internet of Things (IoT). The growth of internet-enabled computing, digital manufacturing and the increasing interconnection via the internet of objects in our offices and homes are set to revolutionise our business and domestic lives and could lead to significant…